the words gamble responsibly in many colors with casino chips surrounding the words.

In the casino industry, most people use the term responsible gambling or responsible online gambling. Here at Jackpot Capital, we feel that the term should be responsible gaming.  There is a huge difference here as we will elaborate.

What is the Difference between Gambling and Gaming?

There are a few very important distinctions between responsible gambling and responsible gaming.  The main difference is that gambling has negative connotations while gaming has positive connotations.

Therefore, the players who show responsible gaming also show that they fully understand that casino games are just games.  They are not a path to riches even though some very lucky gamers do hit a big jackpot.

What are the Signs of Irresponsible Gambling?

There are three main areas of concern regarding gambling.  They are failing to set a proper time limit on casino gambling, betting more than is reasonable for that player’s overall financial situation, and playing casino games for real money when the player has other responsibilities he or she needs to get to.

Why is Setting a Time Limit Important?

Here we will contrast online casino gaming and land-based casino gambling.  Jackpot Capital is available on a 24/7 basis.  There is, therefore, no reason for a gamer to play on and on as so many players do at land-based casinos.

It costs no money to “get to” Jackpot Capital while it does cost, and may cost dearly, to get to a land-based casino.  Players at a land-based casino are determined to get their money’s worth so they play for such long sessions that any gaming they may have been doing at the beginning of the session has long since segued into gambling.

In a long weekend at a land-based casino, many players will eat through their original bankroll and will take out more money so they can continue to gamble.

Alcohol Plays a Very Significant Role

At land-based casino, cocktail waitresses offer free alcohol.  Whatever the cost of the alcohol is to the casino, the players give it back by making alcohol-driven poor playing decisions.

When an online casino gamer sits down, or curls up on the sofa to play on our excellent mobile platform, he or she hopefully has set a relatively short gaming session of 30-60 minutes.  We can all put off having a drink for 30-60 minutes.  If a gamer cannot wait that long to have a drink, he or she should deal with their drinking problem not to mention their gambling problem.

How Can a Gamer Set a Sound Financial Limit?

Setting a fair and reasonable time limit is just one budget a responsible gamer will set.

Deciding how much to spend on something is the kind of thing people do every day in many situations.  Can I afford these new shoes?  Is this restaurant too expensive for me?  Are the prices of Major League tickets within my entertainment budget?  Is this whisky worth the price?

The list of things we buy or want to buy that we set monetary limits on is functionally without end.

In online casino gaming, a gamer simply should evaluate his or her overall financial situation and set their budget accordingly.  It could be that the budget will be $100 a week.  That then determines how much online casino gaming the player can do.

Setting a modest budget for gaming also prices out any trips to a land-based casino.

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Responsible Gaming Also Includes Paying Attention to Outside Responsibilities

Everything we do for fun and entertainment requires that we take into account our other responsibilities.  A lot of people like to stream movies or television shows; many people still like to read; people like to hike; everyone likes concert from time to time; and many people have hobbies.

The list of things we do for fun and entertainment is endless.  Still, we all have responsibilities that are not necessarily things we do for fun and entertainment.

Responsible gaming means keeping all of our fun and less fun activities in their proper perspective.

Responsible Gaming Means Never Using a Betting System

There are “can’t miss” betting systems for sale.  Do the responsible thing and never pay for or use a betting system.  The most famous betting system is the Martingale.  This system is supposed to work on even money bets in the casino.

The first flaw is that there are no even money bets in any casino game!  Roulette is often pointed out as having three even money bets but they are not really even money bets.  They are:

  1. Red or black.
  2. Odd or even.
  3. First 18 numbers or second 18 numbers.

The reason that they are not even money bets is that in American Roulette there are a 0 and a 00 and in European Roulette there is just a 0.

In What Other Way is The Martingale System Flawed?

This system does not take losing streaks into account.  Whether a player plays roulette at a land-based casino, where the game is live, or at an online casino such as Jackpot Capital, where the game is digital and every outcome is determined by the random number generator, there will be winning streaks and losing streaks.

The system claims that by doubling your bet after every loss, you will eventually win and profit by the size of your original bet.  That theory is correct as a theory.  In practice, it requires a gamer to make a very irresponsible bet during a short losing streak.

We will show how this is so by starting with a $5 bet.  The Martingale System says that eventually a gamer will win their $5 bet.  The flaw is that you have to make a completely irresponsible bet to win those $5.

  1. First bet is $5. The bet loses.
  2. Second bet is for $10. The bet loses.
  3. Third bet is for $20. The bet loses.
  4. Fourth bet is for $40. The bet loses.

The player has had a four-spin losing streak.  Now, to win just $5, the player has to bet $80!

This is the epitome of irresponsible gaming, the very thing we are resolutely trying to avoid!

Jackpot Capital Offers Great Online Casino Gaming

Here is a short list of what we offer and why gaming at Jackpot Capital is better than playing at any land-based casino.

  1. Gamers never have to wait to play any game.
  2. The casino is available on a 24/7 basis from your home.
  3. You incur no travel costs.
  4. By playing in relatively short sessions, gamers can delay drinking alcoholic drinks, which are offered for free at lands-based casinos, until after the session thus avoiding the poor decisions that are caused by the cognitive decline alcohol brings.
  5. We offer a very wide variety of games that land-based casinos do not have the space to offer.
  6. We have many variations of blackjack and video poker.
  7. Gamers’ assets are safely protected by top-level encryption software.
  8. We offer great promotions which add bonus money to gamers’ accounts.
  9. We offer unlimited free play so gamers can reduce risk and learn how to play any game they want to play but are not yet familiar with.

There are even more reasons to play online casino games here at Jackpot Capital!


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