Here is one of the truest statements you’ll ever read about online gaming: If you play one of the more than 300 Jackpot Capital Games, you’ll stay to play them all!  Our online casino games are a lot more than just games!  

Jackpot Capital Offers Games, Convenience, Fun, and Did We Mention Games?

We have separate pages for each of our game categories so in this article, we’ll give you a general introduction to our games and we’ll tell you why we think it’s better to play the games here at Jackpot Capital online casino than at any land based casino.

There is Wandering and There is Wandering

We’ll talk about what it means to wander about a land based casino a bit later in this article.  When players “wander” through Jackpot Capital online casino, they play one game after another in a calm and relaxed manner. Well, what is all the hoopla about?  Tell us about the games!

Yes, we offer over 100 slots, and a big selection of video poker variations, blackjack, and poker as a casino online table game.  We offer progressive games and specialty games.  And every month we bring out at least one new game, usually a new slot.

You can play our online casino games for real money or you can play for free!

Who Makes All Your Games?

We’re very glad you asked that question.  We have been affiliated with Real Time Gaming for some time.  RTG, as they are called by everyone, so you can call them that as well, is one of the most respected game providers in our neck of the woods.

They are happy to be our game providers, of course, and we are bursting with joy that we are connected to such a creative game developer.

So, when you wander about Jackpot Capital, you’ll be trying out over 200 of the very best games that RTG has produced over the years!

What Sets the Games Apart?

That’s another great question!  The first thing that stands out in every RTG game is the graphics.  They put in all of the creative juices they have in making every symbol stand out, every color as bright as can be, and the color contrast on every screen easy and enjoyable to look at.

In our business, we call that the interface.  That’s a bit of a highfalutin word that simply means if you like the way the game looks, you’ll be happy to try it out.

Fast But Not Too Fast

The game play in our table games is fast but nor too fast.  There are online casinos that play so fast that players can’t see the cards or symbols.  Our games find the happy median which means fast enough to be engaging but not so fast that it actually gets frustrating and boring.

We Would Like to Teach the World to Play Online Casino Games

Land based casinos were in existence long before the digital age came about.  The table games were all played ……at a table!  The slot machines were real machines with mechanical arms that you pulled to set the reels spinning.

People love to gamble and the land based casinos, especially in Las Vegas, touched a real nerve in the gaming public.

Fast forward many decades and suddenly the digital age arrives.  You don’t have to be very old to remember hearing the rumors that there was an online casino!  “What does that mean”, many people asked.  When the first online casinos arrived on the scene, many people didn’t yet know what the term “online” meant.  So, here, in the context of the games themselves is the answer.

No Travel Time or Costs

When you travel to Jackpot Capital Online Casino, you may have to walk from the living room to the office or to the room where your desktop computer is.  If you play Jackpot Capital on our mobile platform, your “trip” may consist of taking your smartphone out of your pocket! 

The change from packing a suitcase, getting to the airports, cramming yourself into a small seating space, squeezing past other travelers or the flight attendants in order to wait in line to use the lavatory, all for the chance to play a casino game, on the one hand, compared to getting comfortable in front of your desktop or curling up to play on mobile, on the other, more modern hand, actually took some time for casino gamers to get used to.

Did You Ever See the Movie “Rudy”?

In brief, Rudy was a small fellow from the south side of Chicago who pushed his way onto the practice squad for Notre Dame University football team in South Bend, Indiana, a short drive from Rudy’s family’s home.

He brought his very old fashioned father to a game.  It was the first time his father had been to a football game and the movie showed his father looking about like a little kid seeing an amusement park for the first time.

That’s how many gamers felt the first time they entered a land based casino.  But, at least as far as land based casino gaming is concerned, the thrill wore off quickly as the availability of online casino gaming became known to millions of people.

Advantages of Jackpot Capital Online Casino Gaming

That doesn’t mean that players no longer go to land based casinos.  It simply means that gamers know by now that there are a lot of advantages to playing online games at Jackpot Capital.

At this point we will explain what wandering about a land based casino means.  it means that you are stuck at the casino, with no bankroll left, nothing to do, and another couple of days until your return flight home.

This never happens at Jackpot Capital!  Here is a long list of things that do happen at Jackpot Capital or are related to playing our games.

  • Online games are available every day; land based casino games are available when you can get there.
  • Online casino games have higher return to player rates because the online casinos have lower operating costs.
  • There are no costs getting to an online casino.
  • There are no costs staying at an online casino.
  • Online casinos have a wider selection of games.
  • Online casinos can introduce a new game every month without having to take another game out of the casino!
  • You can play every game at Jackpot Capital without giving up your seat.
  • You have much more flexibility at Jackpot Capital.
  • You can play any game you want for free at Jackpot Capital for as long as you wish.
  • You can play our casino games with our money by accepting any of our many bonus offers.

The reason any player comes to an online casino is the games.  We are sure that you will love our games as hundreds of thousands of gamers already do.