Every one of Jackpot Capital’s regular gamers knows how to have the most fun at our jackpot casino. The fun begins with bonuses and other promotions. It continues with some 300 great games from SpinLogic. We have spoken many times about the advantages of gaming at an online casino such as Jackpot Capital.
Here we would like to address a different kind of challenge, that posed by the growth of a newfangled online casino called a sweepstakes casino.
What is a Sweepstakes Casino?
To a certain extent, a sweepstakes casino is almost exactly the same as a standard online casino. The biggest difference is that a sweepstakes casino, because it calls itself a sweepstakes casino, is regulated under different laws and regulations than the ones that Jackpot Capital is regulated by.
A sweepstakes casino operates with real money but there is a twist. In a standard online casino, as with a standard land-based casino, gamers make bets using real money. In a sweepstakes casino, gamers “buy” virtual coins and they then play the casino games offered using these virtual coins.
A sweepstakes casino will give a lot of virtual coins at a relatively small cost to the gamer. That means that any prizes a gamer can win at a sweepstakes casino will be small. Gamers won’t win big jackpots because a sweepstakes casino does not generate the kind of revenue that allows for big jackpots.
Playing at a Sweepstakes Casino is Like Playing at Jackpot Capital in Free Play Mode
This is a very significant insight. We said that a sweepstakes casino gives a lot of virtual coins for a very small price. Any wins are small as a result. Here at Jackpot Capital, gamers can play in free play mode as long as they want.
Gamers who play in free play mode at Jackpot Capital cannot win real money prizes. The play is totally free and there are no prizes awarded. People who play at a sweepstakes casino almost play for free. Since they do buy coins at a very low price for a very large number of coins, there are some prizes awarded and they are very small.
At Jackpot Capital, when you play for real money, you can win real prizes, some of which are in the thousands of dollars. Of course, the progressive jackpots are worth six or seven figures and those prizes are subsidized by the game provider which has a much larger footprint in online casino gaming than any single online casino has.
You cannot underestimate the importance of the excitement that is generated when a gamer plays online casino games here at Jackpot Capital for real money. Still, we offer unlimited free play when a gamer simply wants to play and not place real money bets.
There are very few high rollers at any casino be it a land-based casino or an online casino. Most people are just average Joes and Janes. High rollers do bet large sums of money on casino games. We always hope that any high rollers here at Jackpot Capital can really afford to bet $100 on a hand in blackjack or video poker.
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The Future of Sweepstakes Casinos
Since the inception of online casino gaming, online casinos have compared themselves to land-based casinos. In many ways, such as comfort and convenience, online casinos are a lot better than land-based casinos.
Gamers don’t pay to travel to Jackpot Capital or to any other online casino. Gamers at online casinos never have to give up a seat to play a different game. Gamers at online casinos never get tricked into getting inebriated, if even just slightly, by the offer of free alcohol which reduces inhibitions and often leads to players making unreasonable bets.
Gamers at top online casinos are paid 3-2 for a blackjack and 9-6 for a full house and a flush in video poker. Not so at many land-based casinos where the going rate is 6-5 for a blackjack and 8-5 or even 7-5 for a full house and a flush.
The Challenge Presented by Sweepstakes Casinos
The advantages gamers at Jackpot Capital have over players at land-based casinos is long. The challenge we, as an online casino face, is from sweepstakes casinos. It is the sense that a sweepstakes casino provides online casino games for free or for a very small fee and the gaming is, therefore, just for fun.
There is a trap here that we, as a top online casino, will steadfastly not fall into. The tarp is to belittle sweepstakes casinos. Land-based casinos did belittle online casinos when we first entered the casino gaming market. Sweepstakes casinos present a true and fair challenge to online casinos.
We here at Jackpot Capital fully embrace the challenge presented by sweepstakes casinos. We will become better in any way and every way possible.
One way is to redouble our efforts to teach gamers about responsible gaming. Another way is to increase promotions. We will continue to maintain our large selection of games and our blog which helps “teach” gamers about many finer points of gaming as well as giving them life hacks.
The Future Looks Bright
As sweepstakes casinos proliferate, we feel that online casino gaming may feel some of the success of these new casinos. That is all for the ultimate good. However, the casino niche that will likely feel the brunt of the sweepstakes success will be land-based casinos which are heavily invested in land.
Land-based casinos need players to travel to play. The advent of sweepstakes casinos will cut into the number of players who travel to play. We expect some land-based casinos to change dramatically in the face of this industry challenge.
The integrated resort concept which has gained favor in the Far East may be the future of land-based casinos. An integrated resort has a casino, a convention center, theaters, restaurants, shopping, water sports, family-friendly facilities, and anything else deemed friendlier than a standalone casino.
Bottom Line Comparison between Jackpot Capital and Sweepstakes Casinos
The ultimate bottom line is that Jackpot Capital offers unlimited free play as do sweepstakes casinos. We also offer real money gaming as do sweepstakes casinos. Gamers buy a very large number of coins for a very low price at sweepstakes casinos. The prize pool at Jackpot Capital is a lot bigger than the prize pool at any sweepstakes casino.
Overall, it really depends on what a gamer is looking for from an online casino. We fully accept the presence of sweepstakes casinos while we also encourage you to…