Jackpot Capital does its bets to help gamers play knowledgeably

Jackpot Capital Does All it Can to Help Gamers Have More Fun and Play Better

Here at Jackpot Capital casino, we offer about 300 games from your favorite jackpot slots to Fish Catch and Banana Jones, our most popular casual games. One of the things that we are the most proud of is that in each game category we do our utmost to help gamers win!

Let’s take a closer look at this counter-intuitive approach to gaming here at Jackpot Capital online casino.

How Long Should the Average Gamer Play?

One might expect us to push gaming for long stretches of time.  After all, that formula seems to have worked for the most popular land based casinos.  They offer weekend packages that might include a lower airline ticket price, a good deal on a hotel room, some free buffet meals, and the chance to spend the better part of 72 hours on the casino floor imbibing free whisky!

Our approach is quite the opposite.  Jackpot Capital, as an online casino, is always available to gamers!  We offer both desktop and laptop gaming plus mobile gaming.  In fact, nubile gaming is at this juncture in the evolving online casino gaming milieu, the most popular way to play!  Because of our ready availability and the fact that you can play at Jackpot Capital virtually at will we encourage gamers to play for relatively short sessions.

What is so Special about Mobile Gaming?

Mobile gaming has become so popular that even some land based casinos now offer an in-house mobile gaming platform so players can play from their hotel room!  The ironic part of all this is that when a player at a land based casino calls it an evening—often at about 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning after an all-night session in the casino— they then go to their hotel room eyes practically closed only to continue gaming on the hotel’s mobile platform.

In short, the mobile platform at a land based casino is designed to take advantage of players who are bleary-eyed and three-quarters asleep while the mobile gaming platform here at Jackpot Capital is designed for convenient and comfortable gaming only!

We encourage gamers to play in short sessions thus opening up free time for any of a multitude of other free time activities you might enjoy pursuing.

Don’t Land Based Casinos Offer More than 300 Games?

Some giant land based casinos might indeed offer more than 300 games.  They also offer more than 300 terminals.  The problem with land based casinos is that so many of their games, especially the most popular ones, have a slew of terminals so that maybe “all” of the players who want to play that particular slot can get a terminal.

During the most popular times for players to go to a land based casino, even ten terminals may not be enough and players have to stand around and wait for a terminal to open up, sometimes at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning!  Woe to the player who is “in line” for a popular game at a land based casino who has to use the rest room!

At Jackpot Capital, gamers don’t have to wait for a game to “open up”.  Thousands of gamers (actually millions, but who’s counting?) can play the same game at the same time!  The result of this phenomenal flexibility is that we encourage gamers to play as many distinct games as they can.

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Since we also encourage short sessions, we tell our gamers to see gaming at Jackpot Capital casino as an enduring activity.  A little bit at a time and sample every game we offer over time.  Many gamers have found that they truly love  a game they had never played at a land based casino either because it wasn’t offered or because they were playing for hours on end at a terminal they were wary of “losing”.

How Does Jackpot Capital Tell Gamers Things?

This is one of the happiest aspects of gaming here at Jackpot Capital.  We run a very large blog—this post is just one of many hundreds of helpful posts we have — with advice on a massive number of subjects.  It might be that how to play particular games makes up the majority of our posts but we also run articles that talk about how online casino gaming can help you in other non-gaming ways.

We developed the concept of the “real vacation” to demonstrate to gamers the importance of using those long weekends to do any of a very large number of activities that do not include going to a land based casino.  We might proudly say that we have influenced more than a few gamers to become bird watching enthusiasts!  Some gamers have taken our advice and become weekend hikers.  Some now love exploring small towns for their quaint atmosphere, homemade delicacies, and hand-crafted household items.

Don’t Land Based Casinos Give Players Free Alcohol?

Yes, they do.  That’s because the ulterior motive at a land based casino is to get players to gamble and lose as much money as possible.  Free alcohol pays for itself many times over—meaning that the casino benefits from “giving away” free alcoholic drinks—as gamblers lose mental acuity and make foolish bets.

We take the diametrically opposite approach.  We tell our gamers to never drink anything alcoholic before or during a gaming session.  Since we also urge gamers to play in frequent, short sessions, we can safely say that our advice is to wait until after gaming to have a drink or two with friends in a local pub!

Who Gives away the Most Bonuses, Online or Land Based Casinos?

The answer is online casinos by far!  When we offer a deposit or a no deposit bonus, gamers also have the obligation to bet a factor of the bonus before they can withdraw winnings or their original deposit.  This is called the wagering requirement.

The wagering requirement protects us, the casino, from the few gamers who might take a bonus and cash out immediately.

Land based casinos would also like to offer deposit bonuses but they would also require the wagering requirement and they know that very few players could complete the wagering requirement in just a few days.  So land based casinos offer free buffet meals and free alcohol and sometimes also offer free hotel accommodations and free show tickets while we offer free money!

Are Comp Points Similar to Bonuses?

Yes, they are.  This is another way we as an online casino can help gamers in a genuine and positive way.  You see, we enroll every gamer in our comp points promotions as soon as the gamer signs up to play at Jackpot Capital.  Now, it is true that land based casinos also offer a form of comp points.

To get the comp points at a land based casino, you need to use the player’s card at all times.  If you forget to use it or if you leave it in a game or if you forgot where you put it all those months ago when you got back home e after that long weekend at the casino, you could very well lose all of your accumulated comp points at the land based casino.

This never happens at Jackpot Capital online casino!

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We try hard to make gaming at our online casino a fun, exciting, and interesting pastime!  We do everything we can to help gamers play knowledgeably.  We also offer unlimited free play so gamers can play at no cost when they are either watching their gaming budget or trying out a new game and want to play it for a while before placing a bet on the outcome.

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