an attractive woman holding a red heart to symbolize responsible health and the love that leads people to be responsible

It is, indeed!

Here at Jackpot Capital, we talk about responsible gaming. Still, it is impossible to separate responsibility in one area of life from responsibility in another area.  Responsibility is….responsibility.

What Constitutes Responsible Gaming?

The first element in true responsible gaming is to realize that it is gaming and not gambling.  It is true that gamers put real money down as wagers on the outcomes of casino games.  Still, if it is all done in a spirit of the utmost responsibility, the activity becomes gaming.  It loses the negative aura of gambling and replaces that with the positive aura of gaming.

And, it’s a lot of fun!

How Do People Cultivate Responsibility in Everyday Life?

Here are three ways most people would say are to best way to cultivate responsibility:

  1. Make a plan.
  2. Track the results as you put your plan into action.
  3. Make adjustments as needed.

Robert Pirsig, in his phenomenal book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance would not be satisfied with such a list.  He derided Aristotle for describing real-life situations, especially those that involved our understanding of the real world, by Aristotle's penchant for making lists.  By the way, the book has many insights into everyday life.  These insights are at the core of what Pirsig is trying to do in the book.

In a real sense, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a primer for how to cultivate responsibility.   In Pirsigian terms, if we "enter" our own personal world of responsibilities, we can "cultivate" them.

How Does This Relate to Casino Gambling?

As we said, true responsibility at any casino, be it an online casino such as Jackpot Capital, or a land-based casino, is to formally remove the idea of gambling from our minds and to replace it with a sense of gaming.  Spinning slots becomes no different than playing Chutes and Ladders with a kid.

Do you play Chutes and Ladders as a game or as a gambling experience?  Of course, you play it as a game.  The same goes for slots, blackjack, video poker, Banana Jones and any of our other 300 or so games. We call them games because that is what they are.  They are not gambling opportunities even though you can make bets on the outcomes of the games.

Once again, the key here is to be responsible in making bets.

Turning casino gambling into casino gaming involves only two elements:  accepting that casino gaming may not make you rich and looking at gaming as just one of many activities that you enjoy, all in moderation.

Cultivate Responsible Gaming by Cultivating Several Hobbies

Most people think of a hobby as a single activity that a person likes so much that they will do it for hours at a time.  We say that in order to play casino games responsibly, we also have to do everything else responsibly.  The “everything else” in this sentence can include as many as 10 “hobbies”.  Or more!

Here is a short list of “hobbies”:

  • Hiking
  • Walking
  • Bird watching
  • Collecting
  • Reading
  • Listening to music
  • Singing
  • Writing music
  • Keeping a journal
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Watching classic movies

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Well, the “short” list got pretty long!

We don’t have to spend hours upon hours on any of these activities.  Being able to allocate time for several happy activities is the Pirsigian way to cultivate responsibility: we are responsible because we are responsible!

Great Tips for Responsible Gaming

Here are a few excellent tips for happy real money gaming.  Most are obvious based on the discussion we have been having but it is good to formally state them.

  1. Bet only with money that you allocate for entertainment.
  2. Set a strict time limit on gaming.
  3. Use our free play mode if you want to extend the time frame of a session.
  4. Play only when you are in a good mood.
  5. Play only when you are alert, aware, and not tired at all.
  6. Avoid alcohol completely when playing online (and, especially when playing land-based) casino games.
  7. Never use a betting system as a way to “game” a casino game.
  8. Play casino games only when you are sure that you understand the rules fully.
  9. Even in a short gaming session, it is a very good idea to take a break at least every 30 minutes.

Now, let’s go a bit deeper into these tips.

Online Gaming is Entertainment

This is such an important element in responsible gaming.  We all budget for entertainment whether we are aware that we are doing so or not.  We budget naturally for every expenditure.  Gaming is simply one such expenditure.

Land-based casino gambling makes it a lot harder to responsibly budget for “gaming entertainment” at the casino.  After all, a player has travelled to the casino in order to play for hours on end!

Set a Sound Time Limit for Gaming

At work, we set time limits for lunch.  We set time limits for meetings so that they don’t run on and on.  We might set a time limit on the commute to work which might influence where we buy or rent a place.  Colleges set a time limit of sorts on how long it should take to earn a degree.

It makes perfect sense to set a sound time limit on gaming.

As we have seen, it is so much harder to set a sound time limit on casino play when we are at a land-based casino!

Free Play is….Free

This is a no brainer!  If you want to paly a little longer but you don’t want to touch your preset bankroll, we here at Jackpot Capital offer unlimited free play.

Good Moods Beget Better Moods

The corollary is that bad moods beget worse moods.  If you are in a bad mood, do whatever it takes to come out of the funk.  Tilt is a common result of simply being in a bad mood.  Free play at Jackpot Capital is a safe way to play some casino games when you are in a bad mood since it entails no monetary cost.

Tired People Make Mistakes

The mistake a tired gamer might make playing casino games is nothing compared to a mistake a tired driver might make.  Still, you get the point.  We urge all gamers to play when they are fully capable of having fun spinning those wheels, reels, or playing hands in blackjack or video poker.

Stay away from Alcohol while Gaming

We all know this all too well. That is why when groups get together, they assign one or two people to be the designated driver(s).  That is also why land-based casinos ply players with so-called free alcohol the cost of which players “return” to the casino often many times over by making alcohol induced betting mistakes.

Systems, Rules, and Breaks

Simply put betting systems do not work.  If they did, all casinos would be out of business in a very short time!

Knowing the rules is another no-brainer.  Here is another great use of our unlimited free play mode.  Finally, we are told to walk away from the desk at work at frequent intervals.  Gaming is no different.  Still, how often do we see land-based players sitting at a terminal seemingly forever?

This is not healthy, and staying healthy is yet another aspect of responsible gaming.

Jackpot Capital Wishes Happy and Responsible Gaming for All Gamers

We offer about 300 great games all of which gamers can play over time.  We offer deposit bonuses and free spins.  We offer free play, as we have said.  We do everything we can to make your gaming experience fun and entertaining.


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