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What are some of the Important Elements of Having Fun?

Let’s paraphrase that great Beach Boys lyric: “And we’ll have fun, fun, fun playing Jackpot Capital casino games online.”  We talk about having fun above every other consideration.  So, let’s expand on this fun idea and see some ways to increase fun in online casino gaming.

Play Online!

This is an LOL moment if there ever was one!  Anyone who has ever travelled to a land based casino for a long weekend or more has seen the many people in the casino who are decidedly not having fun!

Some of them have lost a big chunk of their bankroll or possibly all of it!  But since they are at a land based casino, what else can they do but roam the casino floor waiting for their return flight home?  Of course, there are eating, drinking, and sleeping left on their “itinerary”!

When you play online, you are in a lot better control of your gaming.  Land based gamers often play for a progressive jackpot for hours on end.  At Jackpot Capital casino, we encourage gamers to play for a progressive jackpot in short spurts. 

If you have a streak of poor luck, you can close the session and get on with all of your other activities.  Since you are already “home” you can get together with friends, family, colleagues, go out to a pub, do some work!, clean the house, cook a fancy meal for your significant other, and so much more.

When You’re Home the Possibilities Are Endless

When you’re “home” you can do any of hundreds of things when you aren’t playing the great selection of online casino games here at Jackpot Capital.

You may ask the question: How does this increase fun?  It increases fun by reducing stress.  It increases fun by putting casino gaming in its proper perspective.  It increases fun by opening up possibilities rather than closing them.  It increases fun by encouraging spontaneity.

These are just a few of the ways that online casino gaming can and does increase fun.

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Stress Kills Fun

We would much rather kill stress than kill fun!  When you’re gaming at home, you can set limits on your gaming that will increase the fun you’ll have rather than decrease it.  People feel so much better when they are in complete control of their activities.

You might wonder: Doesn’t complete control destroy spontaneity and thus reduce fun?  The answer is a resounding NO!!!  That’s because there are different kinds of control.

Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Sup Like a Pauper

This famous piece of wise advice is generally attributed to the American nutritionist Adelle Davis.  If you are in control of your eating habits, you can stop after one piece of cake.  People who are out of control might not eat the entire cake but they want to and that prevents them from truly enjoying the one piece of cake they do have.

It follows that we should also be in control of our drinking.  Land based casinos push free drinks because drunk or even moderately tipsy gamers make a lot more mistakes than people who are stone sober.  Being a little bit drunk is fun in its own way but, when you’re gaming, being stone sober is the best way to have the most fun since it allows you to stay in control of every decision including when to stop and get on with your many other activities.

Be Creative and Spontaneous

Being spontaneous is a major element in creativity and creativity is a great way to have more fun.  The theme of having fun through spontaneity is a recurrent them in movies, television, theater, and in real life in general.  No one ever created an enduring work of art by plotting every step in the creative process.

The very term “the creative process” exudes spontaneity.  It’s a common theme among writers that, as they were writing, someone appeared that they didn’t know “existed” or something “happened” that they didn’t know anything about.

Spontaneity is a lot harder to come by at a land based casino since you have to give up one terminal if you want to play at another terminal.  This inevitably leads land based casino gamers to stay at one terminal even after they have grown bored with it!  You never have to get bored at Jackpot Capital online casino since you never “give up” a seat at one terminal to play at another!  This leads to more spontaneous gaming and a lot more fun.

Let’s say that you like playing multi-hand video poker.  When playing that gets a little stale, you can go to blackjack, any one of our hundreds of slots, or even a few attempts with Banana Jones at getting to the Crystal Banana and bringing it safely to a museum where it belongs!

After all this, if you still have time in your gaming budget, you can return to a few more hands of multi-hand video poker.  And a fine time was had by all!

Mobile Gaming May Be Short and Sweet

There are two major aspects to mobile gaming.  This is in addition to the great modern graphics, animation, and sound you can enjoy on your new or recent generation mobile device.

The two major aspects we want to talk about here are mobile gaming when you’re on the go and mobile gaming at home.

When You’re On the Go Mobile Gaming Gives You a Short, Happy Time Out

Professional people these days are always “on the go”.  But everyone needs a time out from time to time as well!  There are many ways to take a few minutes away from your professional concerns.

Stretching is one great time out activity.  Everyone who sits in front of a terminal should stretch and walk about at least once in every half hour.  This is a perfect time to play a few spins in a progressive jackpot slot!  Who knows?  If today is your lucky day, you might win the big jackpot!

When I’m Home, Everything Seems Right!

Yes, the Beatles were ahead of their time in many ways!  When you want to play some online casino games, just being able to do while comfortably lounging on your sofa makes gaming more fun!

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