an older lady sitting on her sofa playing on her mobile phone

Is Mobile Gaming Still Good Even when We are not on the Go?

We have long had this impression that playing online casino games is something we do at home.   It is interesting that, in the last few years, more and more gamers are taking a few spins on their favorite progressive jackpots slots while they have a few free moments in their busy days.  The platform these gamers use is the mobile platform here at Jackpot Capital online casino.

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Coronavirus Has Taken the Go out of Being on the Go

It seems that gaming and especially mobile gaming has now come full circle as more and more people are hunkering down at home.  You might think that, at home, most gamers would play on their desktop or laptop computers.  The reality is that even at home most gamers prefer to play on the mobile platform at Jackpot Capital casino instead of playing at a regular computer.

There are several very good reasons for this and we will start with a little English lesson!  In many languages, there is little or no difference between the idea of convenient and the idea of comfortable.  In English, there is a huge difference between convenient and comfortable.

Here is a layperson’s definition of these terms.  Convenient is the quality that makes it easier for us to do something.  Comfortable is the sense that we will feel physically better when we do something in a comfortable way.

Driving to a supermarket is a lot more convenient than walking there.  The car is convenient because it make sit easier for us to shop at a supermarket and to do many, many other things.  A small car would not be comfortable for a large person while a sedan would be a lot more comfortable for that person.

The car is equally convenient for everyone but the big car is a lot more comfortable for a large person.

A Lot of People are on the Stop

Well, maybe not exactly stop but the hustle and bustle of daily life has certainly come to a screeching halt!  The mobile platform at Jackpot Capital is equally convenient with the desktop platform but it is a lot more comfortable.  It is the element of comfort that has made mobile gaming the default method of gaming for millions of people.

Graphics Have to be Easy on the Eyes

Here again, we see the difference between comfort and convenience.  When mobile platforms first arrived at online casinos, they were hard to look at.  The graphics were far inferior to the graphics at a desktop screen.  So, even though the mobile platform was convenient, it didn’t pass the comfort test and most gamers used the mobile platform truly only as a last resort.

Nowadays, mobile graphics have caught up to desktop computer graphics.   The screens for many smartphones and especially tablets are much bigger and clearer than the mobile screens of the past were.  This makes mobile gaming a lot more comfortable and enhances the convenience of gaming on your mobile device.

No Chair is as Comfortable as a Soft, Cushiony Sofa

It didn’t take long for the increased quality of mobile gaming to partner with the clarity of mobile screens to draw gamers away from their desktop computer chairs to their much softer sofas.

Now, gamers can lounge about as they play our large assortment of games.  It is also a bit ironic that mobile gaming has made it easier for players to set time limits on their gaming.  Players do drowse off at times while playing on their mobile device.  This is a lot harder to do at a desktop computer.

The drowsiness factor plays into one of our top bits of advice to all gamers: play only when you are fully awake and concentrated on the game.  At land based casinos, since they don’t have windows or clocks, players stay on the casino floor for hours on end.  For one thing, there really isn’t much else to do at a land based casino.  You can eat, drink, sleep, go to a show or gamble.

So, at land based casinos, gamblers gamble.  At online casino gamers game!

Play with Your Significant Other

Online gaming can also have a romantic side to it.  You can play the more romantic slots, you can switch from the more adventurous slots to more romantic ones.  The idea is that a cuddly sofa is the perfect place to cuddle with your favorite person.  And, in the Time of Coronavirus, cuddling is even more important than ever!

Land Based Casinos Introduce Mobile Gaming Platforms

An indication of how popular mobile gaming has become, many land based casinos began recently to offer mobile gaming outside of the premises of the casino floor.  Why would anyone travel to a land based casino only to play mobile games in bed?

Jackpot Capital Mobile Gaming

The mobile casino at Jackpot Capital is full of great games that were developed by Real Time Gaming exclusively for mobile.  To say that the gaming experience at our mobile platform is light years ahead of what was available twenty years ago is quite the understatement.

It is a great compliment to the technology we and Real Time Gaming use that now mobile gaming has become by far the most popular gaming method at Jackpot Capital.  We suspect that even after the coronavirus cloud lifts, most gamers will continue to play on the mobile platform.

Good health to all and a speedy recovery to everyone who has contracted the coronavirus.

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