horizontal mobile device with mobile casino. On the table are cards, casino chips, a cigar, and  whiskey on the rocks

Jackpot Capital offers a great mobile gaming platform. It has become, in the last few years, the most common online casino gaming platform, far out stripping desktop gaming.

How did this happen?  And how did it happen in such a relatively short period of time?

Online Casinos are Only 30 Years Old

We have to first understand that there were many decades spanning a couple of centuries when there were only land-based casino and they were few and far between.

People flew into Las Vegas to play casino games there because there were no viable alternatives.

Atlantic City also opened as a land-based casino hub.  People could drive down from New York City, Philadelphia, and many other “nearby” cities.  There was less need to stay at the casino hotel when playing in Atlantic City but playing there still presented the need to spend hours on the road.

At Long Last, an Alternative Appeared

This was the first online casino, birthed in 1994!  It appeared to present little challenge to the famous land-based casinos.  Many of things about the first online casino left a lot to be desired.  Land-based casinos still ruled the roost of the casino gaming world.

Nonetheless, the proprietors of the first online casino set out to improve upon what they had wrought.  They realized that the very existence of an online casino meant that there was an online world.  This seems like a puh-huh thought.  It wasn’t!

The early casino managers knew that only as online improved in general could online casinos improve.  Fortunately, the technology for online casinos and personal computers was just in its infancy.

Online technology improved day by day!  People who could afford to, upgraded their desktop computer as often as they could.

Game Providers Stepped Up

At first there were just a few game providers.  They, of course, supplied land-based casinos.  But many games at land-based casinos were played live.  Those games were blackjack, roulette, and craps especially.  Online casino s needed all of their games to be digital.

Game providers had to learn how to bring the table games to the computer screen.  This was a relatively long process.   There has been an evolution in the interface and game play in these classic casino games.

Truth be told, craps and roulette, as visually attractive as they are at Jackpot Capital and all top-level online casinos are still more attractive at land-based casino because the players can whoop and holler at every spin of the roulette wheel and at every throw of the dice.

Online gamers soon discovered that a trip to a land-based casino just to be able to whoop and holler at the craps or roulette tables was not really worth the cost of the trip.

And most land-based casino players play slots anyway!

What about Video Poker?

The modern video poker machine was invented in 1970.  There had been a rudimentary machine since at least 1901 but the newer machine was better.   Thus, at land-based casinos players could play slots and video poker at terminal but other games were played live.

Evolution is a Slow Process

Biological evolution has taken place over millions of years.  Online casinos did not have millions of years to make themselves viable in the competitive casino world.  So, online casinos, while waiting for the technology to advance and catch up with the desires of gamers, looked for ways they could outshine land-based casinos.

They hit upon deposit bonuses.

Online casinos can offer deposit bonuses because gamers can complete the wagering requirement at their own pace.  Very few players at a land-based casino could complete a wagering requirement in the tens of thousands of dollars in a few hours or days at the casino.

The wagering requirement is necessary because without it gamers would have every incentive to cash out immediately and all, deposit bonuses would come to an ignominious end.

Technology Begins to Catch Up

Now we are finally at the point where mobile casinos are possible.  The first mobile phones were dinosaurs in many ways.  No one could play easily on such a monstrous phone.  But smartphones came along with amazing technology and, suddenly, mobile casino gaming was in the ballpark!

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Mobile casinos, even on the early smartphones, had all of the advantages of desktop online casinos over land-based casinos and a few advantages of their own.  Here are a few of the advantages online casinos have over land-based casinos.  You will see that mobile casino apps enjoy all of these advantages.

  1. No travel costs.
  2. No waiting to play any game at any time.
  3. More games.
  4. Bonuses.
  5. Free spins.
  6. Free play.
  7. Availability every day.
  8. Better return to player rates.

The advantages mobile has and had over desktop online casinos surprised quite a few online casino gamers here at Jackpot Capital and at many other online casinos.

  1. Convenience.
  2. Comfort.
  3. Unique promotions.
  4. More accessible tournaments.
  5. Romance.

Okay, Please Explain a Few of These Points


Online casinos have more games because they need only one software to accommodate thousands of gamers who want to play exactly that game at the same time.  Land-based casinos have to bring in terminals of new games or of reformatted older games.

So, a land-based casino may have 10 terminals of a popular slot but these 10 terminals come at the cost of taking out older, less popular slots that just a few players want to play in a year.  Jackpot Capital has unlimited room for these once a year slots!  Ergo, more games.

We also can offer more blackjack variations since at land-based casinos blackjack tables take up a lot of space.  We can offer more variations of video poker since the return to payer rate in video poker is close to 100% and that gives a land-based casino the incentive to carry more slots and fewer video poker terminals.

This is just the surface of the large variety of games we offer here at Jackpot Capital.

Return to Player Rates at Jackpot Capital

There are three games where our return to player rates are much better than at most land-based casinos: slots, blackjack, and video poker.

In slots, many land-based casinos have their game provider calibrate the random number generator to return about 90% of all wagers back to players.  We ask SpinLogic, our game provider, to calibrate the random number generator to return about 97% of all wagers back to gamers.

In blackjack, we pay 3-2 for a blackjack while many land-based casinos pay on 6-5.  In video poker, we pay 9-6 for a full house and a flush while many land-based casinos pay only 8-5 or even 7-5.

Tournaments are a Lot More Accessible on Mobile Platforms

Slots tournaments are conduits for lots of slots play.  Mobile is the best way to play in a slots tournament for obvious reasons.

Romance Can Flourish at a Mobile Casino

Imagine cuddling up on the sofa with Mr. or Ms. Right.  Play a few happy, romantic slots; spin the roulette wheel a few times; play a few hands in blackjack or video poker; get jiggy with Banana Jones and see if the romantic juices don’t flow!

Jackpot Capital Offers Great Online and Mobile Gaming

Our veteran gamers know all about the wonderful world of online and mobile gaming here at Jackpot Capital.  To find out for yourself…


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