healthy sporty woman eating an apple

How Can Gaming and other Activities Help us during the Crisis?

In the two to three months that the entire world has been under some form of lockdown because of the corona virus, millions of words have been written discussing the crisis and how we all need to deal with it.  This article will spell out how simple gaming in all forms and many other activities can keep us on a stable emotional keel to get over the crisis is good shape mentally as well as physically.

Online Casino Gaming Has a Big Role to Play

Jackpot Capital is known as a great mobile jackpot casino because our mobile platform is totally state of the art, we carry a wealth of games, and we do everything we can to serve the gaming public.

The General Health Benefits of Playing, Laughing, and Smiling

Scientists have known for a very long time that simply playing games can sharpen the mind and may even slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.  In addition, we have known for a long time that laughing and smiling have widespread health benefits.  When we smile and laugh we release healthy hormones in our brains and these help us stay both mentally alert and mentally healthy.

Tootin’ Our Horn!

Since we are an online casino, after all, we extoll above all else the value of playing online casino games.  Of all the activities that have “disappeared” during this crisis, going to land based casinos for a short two or three day excursion is one of the most notable.

Online casinos such as Jackpot Capital have filled the need for casino gaming and we feel that we have served a vital need in a way that many people have found extremely helpful during this stay at home time.

Many Activities Also Help Us Maintain Perspective

It is important at all times to maintain a glass half full attitude rater than the debilitating glass half empty mindset.  With that in mind, we share many other activities you can employ to stay calm and centered during this trying time.

Go Out of your Way to be Friendly

If you walk in the morning, say hello to everyone you pass even though you will keep the proper distance from them and you’ll be wearing a mask.  The mask makes us invisible to others and simply saying hello or good morning is an important way to express your visibility and in recognizing the other person’s presence and significance.

Walk for Exercise

Even if you usually go to the gym and work out on a stationary bicycle or you have one at home, these days we suggest going out and walking.  We never used to need to be seen in public but the many hours we spend at home or simply alone can wear us down.  Getting out is a good remedy for this wearing down process.

It is much better these days than walking on a stationary bicycle.

Tend to Your Garden

Even if you don’t “like” gardening, you will find that it helps relieve tension and helps keep up the glass is half full mentality.  You should find a way to plant something during the crisis. 

A case in point as to the importance of gardening and plant husbandry is the firestorm of protest and ridicule the Governor of the State of Michigan in the United States, Gretchen Whitmer, brought upon herself when she decided that buying seeds for planting was not an essential activity and thus she banned it!

Sit in the Sun

Sunlight provides vitamin D.  Sitting in the sun has gotten a bad rap for over twenty years because it is said to foster skin cancer.  We suggest sitting in the sun for just a few minutes and not when the sun is hot or high in the sky.

A little exposure to the benefits of sunlight can have salutary effects for many people.  There is even some evidence emerging that vitamin D may help reduce one’s reaction to the virus should the virus enter your system.

Sit in the Rain

This one will probably come as a big surprise to most of you and a shock to many.  We are not suggesting sitting in the rain during a thunderstorm.  We are also not suggesting sitting in a cold rain.

But summer is coming and we will have many soft, drizzly rain events that are not too cold to sit in.  You might be amazed at how much you actually enjoy sitting in the rain for a short period of time!  Walking in the rain is also a great experience under the right conditions!


It is best of course to sing with others. You can organize an online songfest with friends and family.  Or you can sing with the people you live with.  Even if you don’t sing so well, you will so thoroughly enjoy singing that you will probably continue the practice even after normalcy, whatever that may be, comes back.

There are literally thousands of songs on Youtube with lyrics so you can sing practically anything.

Listen to Music

As the young boy in the great movie “Running on Empty” said: “You can’t dance to Beethoven”, there are times when you can’t sing along or dance to the music, get down!  Listening to the greats of classical music is a fantastic activity!  You can choose the classics of every music style and genre in the world.

Who knows?  You might find that you really love Chinese or Japanese music!  Or Mongolian lullabies.  There is a famous Israeli song called Jerusalem of Gold.  The songwriter, Naomi Shemer, once admitted that she had accidentally taken the opening bar from a Basque lullaby!  This shows that great songwriters listen to a wealth of music from all over the world, including lullabies!


If you live close to a large supermarket, you will probably be able to get many products that you normally don’t use in your cooking.  You might not normally cook!  But with time on your hands and the glass half full, you might crack open a cookbook or two or search online for a great exotic dish you have never tasted much less prepared in your own kitchen.  Bon appetit!


The internet has so much that you can read!  You can download entire books to your tablet!  You can take a book that you have always “intended” to read and curl up with it.  You can borrow a book or magazines from friends, family, or neighbors.

Be Thankful

Thankfulness and prayer are not the same.  Even people who can’t pray can feel deep gratitude for the contents of their half-filled glass!  The famed political conservative, William F. Buckley Jr. wrote a book devoted entirely to the idea of gratitude.


We understand that we are living in a post-religious time.  Still, prayer has helped many people stay calm when it might have been easy to lose control.  So, if you can, we offer prayer as a good activity to engage in during the long corona virus crisis.


Here we are, back at play once again!  Every activity we mentioned here and many others can help you weather the crisis in a good mental state.  One of the great advantages of online casino gaming at Jackpot Capital is that we are always available 24/7/365! 

You don’t need to fly to get to us!  You don’t need to book a room!  All you need is the desire to spin a few slots reels, play a few hands of blackjack or video poker, or help out our old friend Banana Jones in his quest to find the Banana Crystal and take it to a museum, where it belongs!

We wish everyone a healthy end to the corona virus crisis and let’s get back to normal as soon as we can!

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