two woman eating watermelon and laughing out loud

How to Use Humor and Gaming to Get Through the Corina Virus Crisis

During the prolonged lockdowns caused by the incessant corona virus, we need to play games more than ever.  Jackpot Capital online casino provides a full slate of slots.  Many gamers like to play the high jackpot slots.  Jackpot Capital casino suggest that you take the time to play every one of our 200 or so slots!

It will take a little time to play each slot to the point where you get the theme and understand the plot.  Seeing what the wild and scatter symbols have in store is an adventure in itself!  So, we believe that playing the full gamut of slots will bring a broad smile to your face!

Play Every Game Jackpot Capital Offers

We also think that even if you aren’t a big fan of the games of skill, you will enjoy playing baccarat, blackjack, and video poker so long as you use the best strategy for each.  The games of skill can convert erstwhile slots players into skill game devotees!  This is especially true of video poker which gives a lot of gamers that great poker feeling without bluffs and without bad beats.

Sure, you could have a long losing streak.  If you stay within your safe betting range, video poker offers hours of fun with little risk to your bankroll.  In other words, the return to player rate in video poker if the player uses the best strategy on every hand is very close to 100%!

Many gamers find that if they can afford to play multi-hand video poker, they have the most fun doing so as the wins register fast especially when you start out with a powerful hand and get big win after big win.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine

There is something else we need to do now more than ever—laugh.  We offer so many slots that are designed to get gamers to laugh.  We offer Fish Catch and Banana Jones which brings out the chuckles in every gamer!  Yu can even play Fish Catch with (and against) players from all over the world!

For generations there has been a Reader’s Digest section that extols the “medicinal” value of just laughing!  Even the corona virus has not been able to keep the jokes from coming.  Some jokes are puns, good and cringeworthy.  Some are genuinely funny looks at life under quarantine or simply being homebound.

The Best Corona Virus One-liners and Jokes

You have probably heard these before or seen them on many of the many social media sites you look at every day.  Still, we would like to go on record with the best corona virus jokes!

Here goes!

  1. In 13 years, the kids who will be born because their parents —ahem—had some extra time on their hands will start to be called the “quaranteens”.
  2. Door to door salesmen were thrilled to hear that everyone would be stuck at home until they realized that it included them!
  3. Some parents are offering their own parents two full months with the grandchildren when the corona virus crisis ends.  Other parents have already announced a “sale”: only six weeks with the little munchkins!
  4. Corona virus is the Universe’s way of sending us all to our rooms for being bad.
  5. Has anyone noticed that there are fewer birds flying north or south this year?  Are the birds in a self-quarantine?
  6. A man brought a map of the world home.  He and his wife put it up in the kitchen.  The idea was to throw a dart at the map and to go there for their next two vacations after the virus comes to an end.  So they are spending two weeks in Antarctica and two weeks behind the refrigerator.
  7. Why did the chicken cross the road?  Because the other chickens weren’t staying two meters away!
  8. Corona virus has given me Dunlop’s disease.  My belly done lopped over my belt!
  9. I am short but my belly button is now social distancing from my face.
  10. Every joke during the quarantine and stay at home period is an inside joke.
  11. People who home schooled their kids before corona are smiling as so many people have discovered that a parent-teacher conference might look like someone talking to themselves.
  12. It felt so good to relax curled up on the couch with my tablet and Jackpot Capital Casino after a full day of being tense and irritable on the couch!
  13. We touch our face very often so we need to wash our hands a lot.  Well, that or walk around with a glass of wine in each hand all the time!
  14. After Finland closed its borders to keep the corona virus out, a few wags said that no race could end since no one would be able to cross the finish line again!
  15. We will end with a great corona joke/pun.  What is the difference between Covid-19 and Romeo and Juliet?  One is the corona virus, the other was a Verona crisis.

The Best Description of How Laughter Heals

The Gesundheit Institute was founded by Dr. Patch Adams who believed that sheer uninhibited laughter can ameliorate many health conditions.  Laughter may not cure exactly but it can help heal.  Here is the Gesundheit Institute’s self-definition:

“The Gesundheit Institute, a non-profit healthcare organization, is a project in holistic medical care based on the belief that one cannot separate the health of the individual from the health of the family, the community, the society, and the world.”

Dr. Patch Adams is a fully certified doctor but he is also a clown!  He believes that the laughter he brings to people of all ages is as much a part of treatment and getting well as is the medical treatment.

All of the efforts governments, healthcare providers, teachers, and individual people have done to stop the spread of the disease and to treat the ill include all of those people who spread puns, funny memes, jokes, and simple mirth around.  If includes all the people who sang to their neighbors from their balconies.

If we may be a bit modest, we might say that providing online gaming to millions of people has also contributed in some small way to helping people get through these tough times.  Jackpot Capital always encourages responsible gaming.  As people are home for long stretches of time, there is the attraction of gaming for hours on end.  Rather than play our casino games for hours on end, we say, play for a while, perhaps an hour, and then find any of hundreds of other things to do, and enjoy doing, at home.

Jackpot Capital is available at all times.  We also offer unlimited free play!  So, you can play online casino games at your leisure.  Our excellent mobile gaming platform makes gaming more comfortable and convenient than ever!

Jackpot Capital wishes good health and much laughter to all!

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