It’s true - most of the winter season is all about the Christmas holiday. Fun family events, buying gifts, cooking turkey and other delicious goods, singing Christmas songs; it’s what most of us look forward to once the weather gets colder! It’s not only a time filled with love and making new memories, but let’s admit, it gives a good distraction from the fact that we won’t be sitting on a beach anytime soon! But are the winter months really so dreadful? Isn’t it possible to have some fun in the Winter Wonderland we live in? Of course it is - it just takes a little imagination! No need to hibernate for the many months of winter, there’s plenty of fun to be had - and it’s not all about the Christmas holiday! Make your winter season more exciting this year with our top 5 tips for winter fun!

1. Embrace Your Inner Photographer!
Have you ever wanted to see how your photography skills measure up? Winter is one of the most amazing times to take pictures, as you have amazing scenes of nature right in your backyard - if you look for it! Some of the world’s most breathtaking birds can be spotted in the winter months, while the winter landscapes are nothing short of impressive. Even the cityscape is beautiful in winter, with all of the many city lights (and Christmas lights, of course) reflecting off of the crisp white snow blankets on the ground. To the naked eye, it may appear that winter photography is nothing incredibly exciting, but once you get out and take a real look around, you’ll be very pleasantly surprised. What’s more, with mobile technology these days, you don’t need an expensive camera - you can get stunning photos right on your mobile! Embarking on a winter photo mission combines all different activities: Getting active, discovering a new hobby, and bringing an overall new perspective to your life! Winter is prime time for bird watching, making this excursion even more enjoyable!
2. Paint the Town!
Did you know that you can make ‘snow paint’, completely environmental friendly, easy and inexpensively? This may be a top tip for winter fun best saved if you have kids around, looking for the next fun activity during that winter vacation off from school, or if you feel like exploring your inner artist! Either way, you’ll certainly spice up an afternoon with this unconventional winter activity! Simply mix food coloring with water in a spray bottle, and voila! You have snow paint! Get the kids or your partner geared up for some fun, head outside to the crisp white snow and start decorating! This is a fantastic idea for when many of the kids are visiting with the family over the holidays, keeping them entertained for hours, more importantly! The food coloring and water mix is unlikely to stain any clothing, while also giving your property some serious ‘curb appeal’ with all of the bright colors! Hey, it’s Christmas, so why not celebrate ‘red and green’ and make some fun holiday snow decorations?
3. Find Your New Hobby!
Who would have thought that the winter months could actually bring the chance for new hobbies? Many of us spend so much time watching television or dreading the outdoors, but really, we should be trying new things and making new interests! Enjoying winter can mean many different things, and if you’re just too warm-blooded to brave the outdoors, there’s plenty more activities you can enjoy. Taking up some kind of course, like a cooking class, a sewing class, yoga, or otherwise could really make a difference to those dreary and dark winter days, keeping your mind occupied and focused on something productive. There’s usually plenty of different activity options at your local recreation center, but if you want to skip the cost of signing up for a class, why not just start your own with friends, or on your own, if you like? Perhaps you gather a group of friends and everyone shares their own hobby, giving others a chance to try it out as well; productive, fun and keeps those winter days busy socializing, whilst learning!
4. Get Active, Work up a Sweat!
While the last thing you may want to do is get outside when the temperature is below freezing, you’d be much better off if you embraced the winter weather and got a little active in the cooler months! It’s a well-known fact that the winter months can be depressing for many, and, ironically, a lot of this has to do with the fact that people are not getting outside into fresh air, natural light and keeping their body stimulated. Sure, the outdoor temperatures are cold, but as an old adage goes, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!” Dressing yourself up in your warmest winter gear (bring the kids along, too!), armed with some fun winter sport activities can make all the difference to an otherwise dreary Saturday afternoon, especially if you’re feeling the winter blues.
You could go “all in” and head off with the family to the ski hills, to spend the day shredding the white on skis or snowboard, but if that’s too much of a commitment, there’s many other outdoor activities you can enjoy! Take the kids to a local park or hill for some innocent sledding, building a snowman, or the perfect family-friendly activity, ice skating! Not only will you have fun, but you’ll keep yourself active, uplifting your mood and keeping yourself in good shape. Even an afternoon walk through a forest trail with your pup will keep you energized, enjoying a whole new seasonal experience! Just remember to keep yourself warm and wrap up!

5. Have a Winter Getaway with Us!
Once you’re all tired out from the family fun, perhaps you’ll want some moments to relax? Sure you do! Getting outside, having fun, keeping active and being creative are all great ways to have more winter fun this year, but after a few long afternoons, you want to sit back and enjoy some quality R&R! And, as you may expect, we’ve got the perfect ‘chill out’ moment for you, too, in the winter months. Christmas is almost upon us, and while hopefully you’ve bought all of your last gifts and made your dinner plans, you’re probably eager to take a break from the madness! That’s where we come in.
As of tomorrow, we’re launching our Winter Getaway promotion, giving you a chance to enjoy a selection of bonus offers during this hectic holiday week! Make sure you join us tomorrow for the fun, and until then, don’t forget, you can join us for Santa’s Time Out, with $177,000 in bonus prizes! There’s nothing wrong with taking a time out from the fun to just enjoy and play some of your favorite games, so why not curl up by the fire with your mobile and play with us?!
How many of our winter fun tips are you going to try out? Do you have any fun activities that you’d like to share with us and your fellow players? Have a safe and happy holiday, from everyone here at Jackpot Capital!